A feeling of numbness in the lower lip may rarely occur after the implant operation on the lower jaw. In this case, it is thought that there is damage to the nerve canal passing through the lower jaw. Sometimes, although the nerve canal is not destroyed, the feeling of pressure created by the implant, which is located very close to the nerve, can disrupt the nerve transmission and cause numbness.
Sometimes this numbness may not be related to the nerve canal. Because there may be thin lateral branches adjacent to the main nerve canal, and it is often not possible to see these branches. In such cases, the feeling of drowsiness may pass within 1 -12 months. When a feeling of numbness occurs in the lip and this is due to damage to the main nerve canal, it is necessary to remove the implant as soon as possible. After the implant is removed, the injured area can repair itself and the healing process can begin. Sometimes the implant can be removed and a shorter implant can be placed at the same time. This decision is made by the doctor.
There is no nerve channel or line that allows us to feel the lips in the areas where implants are made in the upper jaw, as in the lower jaw. Therefore, there is no risk of lip numbness in the upper jaw.