Implants can be applied to those with periodontal disease. However, it is necessary to determine how much the jawbone is affected. And first of all, it is important that the periodontal disease becomes passive. Otherwise, direct implant application will affect both the healing of the implant and the life of the implant in the future. If bone graft application is required, these conditions will be determined by 3D imaging taken before the implant operation. After the periodontal disease becomes passive and the necessary planning is done, the implant operation should be performed. In other words,
Implants were originally conceived to prevent the preparation of the neighbour teeth to supplement missing teeth. Thus, a bridge is not needed to complete the missing tooth and the neighbour teeth are not damaged. However, one should not wait too long after tooth extraction. Because as long as the bone does not function, it starts to loss and the neighbour teeth can slide into the missing tooth cavity. For this reason, if various conditions such as bone condition and relationship with the neighbour teeth are suitable, implants can be applied immediately after tooth extraction, without the patient getting up from the chair.